The Esselen Tribe returns home after 200 years.  photo by Matthew Pendergast

The Esselen Tribe returns home after 200 years. photo by Matthew Pendergast

“for as long as I can remember and several generations before me, we have worked really hard to help navigate the world of land back and protecting our ancestral lands”

Jana Nason

Esselen Tribe of Monterey County

Over the past four years, America has witnessed an awakening to the dark history of our nation. As mass graves from schools are revealed in Canada and statues of confederates fall in America, what ways can reconciliation take root beyond dethroning Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day?

From the long earned success of the Esselen Tribe’s return to their home territory to the not so successful fights to safe one of three of the worlds pristine old growth forests, Magdalena explores the voices and wisdom from both ends of the spectrum of the #LANDBACK movement.

Michelle Magdalena

Photographer, artist, activist, and renaissance woman for food and funny accents!